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This master cylinder had a larger capacity fluid bowl 3" high and was fitted to all cooper S and 1275GT with single line brakes. Will also fit standard single line mini if you are looking for larger capacity fluid reservoir especially when using calipers. Ensure that only DOT4 or DOT5.1 hydraulic fluid as per handbook/workshop manual is used and not mineral fluid. 0.70" bore size. Fitted with a plastic cap a metal original alternative is available seperately as 17H5323 This original metal canister master cylinder with Lockheed embossed on the can part has been available from us since August 2003 and are manufactured to OEM specification part number and as such are homologated for use on original specification vehicles using DOT 4 or 5.1 hydraulic fluid as specified in the vehicles hand book/workshop manual. These cylinders are not homologated for the use of any other fluid. This includes racing fluids such as Castrol SRF hydraulic fluid. The cylinders are now electroplated bright zinc followed by a clear hexa-valent chrome free passivate which removes surface contamination. The reason for this is that all products must be free from Hexavalent by 2007 Originally they were a drab grey/light silver colour. Ensure the correct DOT4 or DOT5.1 brake fluid is used as these cylinders are not designed to use anything else such as Castrol SRF for racing or any mineral fluid.