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This should have a split pin in it and attaches to your foot pedal that operates the master cylinder. Split pin for common clevis pin list GFK101 for CLZ409 handbrake levers to cable on rear drum GFK102 most mini clevis pins except CLZ409 GHF510 for GCV1105 CV joint and rear hub nut GHF511 for GCV1013 CV joint to make life a little eaiser, please see the TOOL36



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Clutch & Pedal Linkage


Classic Mechanical Parts Manual

Brake Pedal & Master Cylinders

Brake System

Classic Mechanical Parts Manual

Rear Brakes, Handbrake and Mechanism

Brake and Brake Controls

Classic Mechanical Parts Manual

Brake/Clutch Pedals and Controls

Brake and Brake Controls

Classic Mechanical Parts Manual

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