Front Door Glass, Channels, Catches and Regulators
LabelPart NamePart No.
1Front door glass sliding window type MK1/214A7811
2Rear door glass sliding window type MK1/214A7810
3Lower sliding glass channel24A88
4Screw No6 self tap 1/2” long for channel to doorGHF400
5Retainer runner R/H for lower channel and window catches24A1303
5Retainer runner L/H for lower channel and window catches24A1304
6Upper door glass felt channel MK1/214A7167
7Draught excluder R/HEAM8530
7Draught excluder L/HEAM8531
8Upper door finisher moulding R/H, Cooper and “S” MK1/214A9773
8Upper door finisher moulding L/H, Cooper and “S” MK1/214A9774
9Pop rivet, for upper moulding13H743
10Lower door moulding R/H, Cooper and “S” MK1/224A341
10Lower door moulding L/H, Cooper and “S” MK1/224A342
11Clip for lower door moulding13H525
12Front plastic catch R/H24A1194
12Front plastic catch L/H24A1195
13Rear plastic catch R/H24A1196
13Rear plastic catch L/H24A1197
14Seal for window catch24A1198
15Washer for 14A8151 chrome boss14A7065B
16Chrome boss14A8151
17Screw for chrome bossRMP307
18Front door clear glass, wind up window type, MK3 onALA5723
18Front door sundym glass, wind up window type, MK3 onCZH4007
19Upper door glass seal, R/HPAM3076
19Upper door glass seal, L/HPAM3077
20Lower outer door seal and moulding R/H to 1980CZH1666
20Lower outer door seal and moulding L/H to 1980CZH1667
20Lower outer door seal and moulding R/H with black end capsPAM1014
20Lower outer door seal and moulding L/H with black end capsPAM1015
21Clip for outer mouldingADH3809
22Inner moulding and seal 1/2” highEJU10003
23Clip for inner mouldingEYC10048
24Outer door moulding R/H upper for wind up windows onlyMS67
24Outer door moulding L/H upper for wind up windows onlyMS68
25Glass support/regulator channel, O/S/F or N/S/R (see 190 guide)ALA5746
26Glass support/regulator channel, N/S/F or O/S/R (see 190 guide)ALA5747
27Seating seal for regulator to glass, Part of [link]MSSK2015[/link] kit24A948
28Window regulator, R/HCZH646
28Window regulator, L/HCZH647
29Screw 1/4” UNF pan head with 1/2” thread for regulator to doorSE604031
30Spring washer 1/4”GFK1124
31Window winder handle black, to 1982/3CZA7109
31Window winder handle, spring loaded knob 1985 onYXX3199PA
32Bezel for winder handle, blackCZH701PA
32Bezels for winder handle, polished alloyMSA1135
33Screw for CZA7109 handleZKC3317
33Screw for YXX3199PA handles, see SE910161 alternativeADU8081
34Plug for covering screw on YXX3199PAYXX3200PA
35One door set of door glass supports and seating seals [link]24A948[/link]MSSK2105
36One door set of glass support/regulator channelsALA5745
37Window winder handle top quality alloyMSA1130