Bonnet and Catches
LabelPart NamePart No.
1Bonnet for Clubman only - GenuineCZH2609
3Safety catch hook with spring, pin and clip14A366
4Clevis pin for bonnet safety catch hook4B8769
5Bonnet buffer, Clubman onlyAAU5486A
6Bonnet pin, Clubman only14G2444
7Thimble for Clubman only4G3676
8Spring for bonnet pin, Clubman only4G1588
9Nut 3/8” UNF half nutNT606041
12Spring for bonnet pin, Clubman only - was 4G249424G3591
13Bonnet sponge rubber, fits scuttle panel drain, original type14A9010MS
13Bonnet seal that sits on rear of bonnet, from about 1980 onJRC7008
13Bonnet sticky back seal, fits rear scuttle drain from 1992 onCJE10021
13Bonnet seal sits on rear scuttle and down wings, 1996 onJRC8000
14Bonnet front seal, all modelsJRC7898
15Bonnet, MK1 saloon and van to 1967 less bonnet lip24A1182
15Bonnet, MK2 saloon with bonnet lipALA7455
15Bonnet, MK3 saloon with bonnet lip from 1971CZH455
15Bonnet, MK3 saloon with lip 1971 on - Non genuineMSL2
15Bonnet, van and pickup less bonnet lip from 1971ALA8430
15Bonnet with centre safety catch and bonnet lip, 1996 onBKA360070
15Bonnet for Japan only from 1996BKA360110
16Bonnet lip for holding grille upper moulding - Non genuineMS3
16Bonnet lip for holding grille upper moulding - GenuineALA6664
17Bonnet prop, straighten for clubmanBKD360030
18Safety catch with bracket completeALA7608
19Clip for retaining/parking bonnet prop, 1970 onCZH209
20Bonnet pin except Clubman14A6586
21Spring cupADA458
22Spring for bonnet pinFPQ10001
23Slider catch, MK1/2 obsolete use internal cable kit [link]GS130273[/link]ALA6992
24Slider support, used with [link]ALA6992[/link]ADH456
25Distance piece, discontinued fitment 1975ADA464
26Guide plate, 1976 on was ADA463AAM1223
27Bonnet lock, obsolete use internal cable kit [link]GS130273[/link]AAM1206
28Stiffener plate, also protects bonnet paint on lander panelALR1441A
29Bonnet lock for internal cable openingFPS100340
30Cable for internal cable bonnet releaseFSE10020
32Bonnet lock kitGS130273
33Bonnet buffer, fits in hole on landing panel14G6856
33Bonnet buffer, stick on, 1990 onADU2072
34Bonnet prop rubber stop MK1/22H9215
35Felt sound proofing for bonnet, 4 tailor made segments47H9615
36Hinge R/H Mini 70-71 onlyCZH146
36Hinge L/H Mini 70-71 onlyCZH147
36Hinge R/H MK1/214A7246
36Hinge L/H MK1/214A7247
36Hinge R/H 1971 on for all, must be fitted as identical pairsBMP348
36Hinge L/H 1971 on for all, must be fitted as identical pairsBMP349
36Pair of hinges - 1971 on for Mini and ClubmanHMP441027
37Plastic clip for bonnet propGFK7344
38Bonnet prop fitting clip24A859