Rear Doors and Tailgate
LabelPart NamePart No.
1Rear door R/H, van and estate14A8096
2Rear door L/H, van and estate14A8097
3Rear door inner and outer lower R/H, 7” repair sectionsMS32R
3Rear door inner and outer lower L/H, 7” repair sectionsMS32L
4Rear door handle except wood estate14A7194
5Seal for door handle to bodyCZH1747
11Pin, ball and spring Repair kit for one hingeKMM170
12Bolt 1/4” UNF 2” long for upper hinge to doorGFK5182
13Bolt 1/4” UNF 13/4” long for lower hinge to doorSH604145
14Screw 1/4” UNF 7/8” long, hinge to bodySH604071
15Locknut 1/4” UNFGFK3321
16Shake proof 1/4” washerGHF321
17Plain 1/4” washerGFK1113
18Rubber seal for rear door R/H14A7608
19Rubber seal for rear door L/H14A7609
22Door seal clip (57 per car)14A6585
23Check arm, was CZH994CZH3327
26Bolt 1/4” UNF 13/8” long for check arm to bracketBH604111
28Plain 1/4” washerGFK1113
29Locknut 1/4” UNFGFK3321
30Tailgate - PickupCZH3293
31Hinge for tailgate - Pickup14A7755
34Shake proof 5/16” washerGHF322
35Spring washer 5/16”GFK1125
37Tailgate stay R/H - Pickup14A7761
38Tailgate stay L/H - Pickup14A7762
39Screw 1/4” UNF 5/8” longSG604051
41Rails for rear tilt14A9732