• Label
    Part Name
    Part No.
  • 15
    Gasket washer
  • 16
    Connecting banjo UNF threads
  • 17
    Hose to banjo gasket
  • 21
    3 way union UNF thread
  • 25
    Clip, pipe to subframe

GB5008 Brake pipe kit Green band master cylinder with imperial unions 1978 to 1980. Copper nickel.
GB4999 Black band master cylinder 1980-88 with metric unions plus a 12mm union master pipe for converting to GMC227 yellow band master cylinder fitted from 1985-88. Copper nickel.
GB5000 Servo type from 1988 on, pipes 3 and 5 were joined by a connector No.4. This was only fitted for assembly line purposes to enable sub units to be built up for quicker installation. If they need replacing it is sensible to fit a single pipe only - HMV013. Copper nickel.


BAU5654 Conversion genuine kit when replacing earlier master cylinders with GMC227 RHD
BAU5654MS Conversion Copper Nickel pipe kit when replacing earlier master cylinders with GMC227

  See previous page for part number prefix guide on brake pipes.

Part number prefix guide - Number denotes length
HF Male UNF both ends 3/8"unf
HD Male end UNF and Female end UNF
HMK Male Metric both ends 10mm
HML Male end Metric and female end Metric 10mm
HMM Male 10mm end and Male 12mm end
HMO Male Metric end and UNF Female end
HMV Male metric 10mm and Male 3/8"unf