Cylinder Head Cooper 'S' 970CC, 1071CC & 1275CC
LabelPart NamePart No.
2Stud, water elbow outletCHS2515
3Stud, rocker cover long51K885
4Stud, rocker cover short51K1473
5Stud, manifold53K487
6Stud, heater tap53K402
7Extra cylinder head bolt, was AEG248C-AHT281
8Valve guide, tapered nose12G1963
8Bronze hidural valve guide, when EN214N valves fittedC-AJJ4037
9Oil hole plug2K1345
11Water and dowel hole plugAEA771
12Cleaning hole plug, was CAM4133 & 12H173412G3503
13Heater take-off blanking plate2A180
14Heater tap gasket88G221
16Inlet valve EN214N material 35.6mm (1.4”) short stem lengthAEG593
16Inlet valve 35.6mm (1.4”) Long stem valveAEG592
16Exhaust valve EN214N material 31mm (1.21”) short stem lengthAEG594
16Exhaust valve 29.2mm (1.15”) diameter (long stem) was 12G1322AHU1049
17Inner and outer valve spring setC-AEA525
17Inner and outer valve spring set - RaceC-AEA526
19Top cap88G617
19Top cap, steel (was “W” stamped)AEA653
20Bottom capAEA403
21Valve oil seal,AEG327
21Top hat seal - Dupont VitonLJQ101160
22Valve cotter88G459
23Rocker shaft12A1950
23Rocker shaft performanceC-AEG399
26Spacer rocker shaft .040”AEG168
26Spacer rocker shaft .010”AEG169
27Rocker post locking plate2A259
28Locating plate plug2A258
29Rocker spacer spring6K556
30Rocker, forged12G1221
31Rocker bush2A21
32Rocker adjusting screwAEG167
33Rocker adjusting nutNT605061
34Head gasket, copperGEG300
34Head gasket, AF470 was GUG2507HGGUG702560HG
34Cylinder head gasket, BK450 - For gasket sets see page 28TAM1521
35Cylinder head nut51K1193
37Cylinder head ancillary stud and nut kitMSSK061
38Rocker shaft spring washer2A18