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For pre injection Verto clutch cars with pre engaged starter, it is also designed to increase clamping pressure which effectively upgrades the actual performance of the verto clutch, which with the AP pressure GCC679 (part of GCK151MS) exceeds all previous high clamping pressure plates except for our new C-AEG485 which is 20% upgraded. Light steel outer section for Verto type assembly which Weighs approx 9.3lbs (4.23kg) compared to the standard 5.6kg(12.3lbs) Effects of lightening rotating engine components: (0.5 x n2 x r2 + R2) / R2 n = total gear ratio (gear ratio x diff ratio) r = radius of gyration R = Radius of wheel/tyre This formula gives what accelerative weight the engine sees of the car per lb. Radius of gyration of a transverse engine's flywheel is approx. 3.75" So to determine "weight loss" for a flywheel weight of say 18 lb to 10 lb, the engine would see an overall weight loss of the car to accelerate in first gear of: 3.33 = 1st gear of 4 synchro 'S' box 3.44 = diff ratio (0.5 x (3.33 x 3.34)2 x 3.752 + 9.52) / 9.52 = (0.5 x 131.2 x 14.06 + 90.25) / 90.25 = 1012.59 / 90.25 = 11.22 lbs So for every 1 lb removed from the flywheel, the engine sees 11.22 lbs less to accelerate off of the total car. Therefore by lightening the flywheel by 8 lb, the engine sees a total reduction of the cars accelerative weight of 89.68 lb. On the flywheel, check the pedestals which the pressure plate bolts onto in case it has sharp edges, which can interfere with the springs on the pressure plate preventing it from moving (clamping it). This flywheel is designed to be fitted with a Valeo pressure plate. If an AP type pressure plate is to used, it may be necessary to relieve the two holes on the pressure plate used for the location onto the flywheel. Standard Clutch and flywheel kits available are as follows: GCU90115AF uses C-AEG422 flywheel/GCK151MS 180mm plate kit - 998/Some Metro 1275 GCU90116AF uses C-AEG422 flywheel/GCK371AF 180mm plate kit - Turbo GCU90121AF uses C-AEG425 flywheel/GCK152MS 190mm plate kit - Singlepoint Inj GCU90122AF uses C-AEG422 flywheel/GCK152MS 190mm plate kit - Carb type 1275 90-94 GCU90123AF uses C-AEG424 flywheel/GCK152MS 190mm plate kit - Multipoint Injection