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For use in conjunction with our website for latest prices and availability. It is 15 years since the last "AKM2 Mini bible" was published and we have finally produced a new comprehensive parts catalogue. Over 2 years work has gone into this latest catalogue which includes 217 pages of drawings, identification of parts and up to date part numbers of mechanical, body and trim parts. It is an essential tool in helping you identify parts and also includes technical data. This long awaited 6th edition of the Mini bible is on sale now to celebrate the Mini's 55th birthday. Previous old copies were being sold on ebay at inflated prices so this is a must for Mini owners. Rave reviews so far from traders and mini owners! PLEASE NOTE: This item is NOT subject to V.A.T. This AKM2 is copyrighted and people using any articles or information from it will be invoiced a large fee and pursued by us.